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2011 Dodge Grand Caravan Crew 4dr Wagon

2011 Dodge Grand Caravan
Trim Info:
Front Wheel Drive, 4 Door Ext WB, 2WD Minivan
17 mpg city / 25 mpg hwy
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June 9, 2008, 4:14 pm


Question: My wheels get covered in brake dust almost immediately?

Is there anything I can do?

June 10, 2008, 5:35 pm

David V

You can use dust shields like those offered at that go behind your wheels to deflect dust away, but I would advise against it as these can cause excess heat to build up in your rotors lead to premature wear over time, or compromised braking on long downhill descents. Instead, when having your pads and rotors replaced, consider asking for a low-dust pad as there are several on the market now that do not dust as aggressively as the factory pads.

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February 18, 2009, 7:06 pm

Darrell S

First of all it depends on what type of vehicle you are referring to as brake dust is inherent to certain vehicles simply by design. I strongly recommend against using any type of covers or shields for the simple fact that they cause excessive heat to build up and WILL warp the rotors. The best sugestion is to not use the "el cheapo" brake pads from the corner auto parts store and go with a good ceramic brake pad. It will cost twice as much initially but wil last two to three times as long. Plus most of those come with a lifetime replacement warranty, instead of a lifetime one-time replacement warranty common with organic pads. Hope this helps.

1/1 users found this helpful.


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